Small Neck Collar
Neck Circumference 35 to 45cm
Neck Width 10cm
Bacon Bouncer ChestplatesProtect your valuable hunting dog from injury with a BACON BOUNCER CHESTPLATEManufactured with Eight layers of fabric, four layers of shadecloth sandwiching Four layers of extra strength polyester mesh, which provides maximum protection with added benefits of being strong, lightweight and breathable keeping your dog cooler and allowing freedom of movement.
If your animal enters water, the collar allows water to escape quickly, and is fast drying.
Each chestplate is sewn with fluro seatbelt webbing and reflective tape to add strength and make locating your animal easier at night.
Already field-tested by many hunters in our local area proving to be effective.
3 sizes– Small, Medium and Large
SAVE $$$$ ON VET BILLS AND TRAUMA TO YOUR VALUEABLE ANIMALS for the cost of $181.50 incl GST plus postage and handling.